two from bergsonian on a plate
Trevor Root
year zero: faciality
i. tree: life, roots and crown
motion may be eliminated but its introduction nevertheless
drives the belief that merely
recognizing the program of the unforeseen
makes time useless again.
put yourself at the interval of the interval. divide therefore
your own science and isolate the same.
how can actuality be produced?
the operative cytoplasm, the centrosome
attract too the broken and original forms.
two fresh constructed lines and the least
of these operations attract some sugar, some oil.
being of matter, what is gained is reconstructed
even in its organic and vital activity.
unite and deny to an arrangement
the irreversibility of your ignorance.
we only grow old. our loss is certain.
only the discontinuity of the living is the same.
only the embryo and all its programmed inevitabilities.
ii. fish: richness, the unknown
excrescence. a bud endeavors
to continue the continuous
and we feel like we live. there is no
dazzling prospect, only necessity.
the going from atoms to something to
nothing of calculation.
touch destruction. our evolutionary phenomenon
will not in any way be said
to be progress. all these short intervals
on which we fix our attention
embrace in this same body of the universe.
we form agreed on schemas of this, the entire world
as the result of the mutually produced
authority of experience by which
the vital action, the continuous generation
is falsely implied.
introduction: rhizome
i. flowers: present, creativity
a curve so small it is part
of a tangent, a point
he will consider. that is to say
a number, but only that.
he is always reborn
as if it were nothing more
than inhalation, repetition.
old elements repeat to foretell phenomena
the explanations of which are easier in glass.
that which imparts elements
is that which is meant to say
properly speaking, there is no impartial.
all is viewed from end to end. all is construed
as photographs, as the physiochemical endeavor
to reduce phenomena. we can be
certain of others, like those between
two partitions who would create
little organisms. how
can they actually be produced?
ii. book: secret, unknown
the entire world is the result of mutual biology
of the mathematics of the physics of the mathematics
lost in the mass of some ancient geometry.
reject our radical finalism. the doctrine
of our teleology, of this world
as outward appearance of excrescence.
the buds endeavor to continue the continuous
by which vital action the continuity
of the generated is implied. if we were not to be
of matter what would be gained? nothing
would be past, would be present. we could
imagine ourselves at no point, represented only
by an immense system of simultaneity.
motion could be eliminated, but this introduction
is nevertheless in belief that if necessary
we could turn back from atoms
to nothing.